The first day
So today is the first day of the Production Blog. To get you up to date so far in the production, we have been working like crazy on the website design. We must finish this before the end of the week. So tonight we are skipping a community meeting and putting in the hours working with GoLive. Isn't it always nice as a filmmaker when you skip socializing and human contact in order to sit at your computer and work.
The production budget, treatment, work timeline, and schedule are already done. The beginning of the research phase is starting in January. Amazing how fast this is coming up. Funding is obviously an ongoing process. Things are moving at a frantic pace so there will be plenty to update coming soon.
The production budget, treatment, work timeline, and schedule are already done. The beginning of the research phase is starting in January. Amazing how fast this is coming up. Funding is obviously an ongoing process. Things are moving at a frantic pace so there will be plenty to update coming soon.