Concert Poster in Toledo, Spain

Concert Poster in Toledo, Spain
Originally uploaded by twotoledos.
This photo is a shot of the post advertising the concert given by Toledo (Ohio) Diocesan Choir in Toledo, Spain
This photo is a shot of the post advertising the concert given by Toledo (Ohio) Diocesan Choir in Toledo, Spain
Here's an article about the Almez. They are from Toledo, Spain and will be included in the documentary. They were kind enough to mention us in the magazine interview they did with Aqui Magazine.
The article is in spanish. Sorry there is no translation at this time.
Click on the image to see the full size articel on
Here is an article from the Toledo's Business Advantage. The article was printed in June 2005. The gives an overview of our documentary as well as mentioning that we are fundraising. I'd like to stress fundraising again. Production of Two Toledos will rap up in a few months time. We expect to edit during the winter months and premiere the film in May 2006. In order to insure the success of the documentary we are continuing to raise money to fulfill our budget. To become a sponsor please contact our production office at 419-297-3822.
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Click image to see larger version on
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The Rosary Cathedral has sheilds adorning the walls of the sancturary signifying cities through out the world where a Marian shrine can be found.
A stone that was cut from the cathedral in Toledo, Spain and then given to Rosary Cathedral. The engraving says, "From the old Cathedral of Toledo (Spain) 13th century to the new Cathedral of Toledo (Ohio) 20th century."
A Performance by the Spanish folk group Almez.
For those of you who speak spanish here is an article about us and the band Almez who are from Toledo, Spain.