"City's ambassador bridges 2 cultures"

"City's ambassador bridges 2 cultures"
Originally uploaded by twotoledos.
An article about Lee Murray, the President of the Association of Two Toledos, from the Toledo Blade, March 13, 2006.
An article about Lee Murray, the President of the Association of Two Toledos, from the Toledo Blade, March 13, 2006.
Royal Foundation of Toledo Awards/Los Premios de Real Fundacion de Toledo
Toledo, Spain/España
March/Marzo 2006
His Majesty the King Juan Carlos of Spain
Here receiving the awards from the King Juan Carlos are (from left to right): Mayor Jose Manuel Molina, Maria del S. Díaz Verdúguez (President of La Asociacion para las Relaciones Interciudades "Alfonso X El Sabio" de Toledo), Hans Ersepke (President of Toledo Sister Cities International), and Lee Murray (President of the Association of Two Toledos).
Royal Foundation of Toledo Awards/Los Premios de Real Fundacion de Toledo
Toledo, Spain/España
March/Marzo 2006
Royal Foundation of Toledo Awards/Los Premios de Real Fundacion de Toledo
Toledo, Spain/España
March/Marzo 2006
Royal Foundation of Toledo Awards/Los Premios de Real Fundacion de Toledo
Toledo, Spain/España
March/Marzo 2006
Hans Ersepke, Lee Murray, Jose Manuel Molina, and Maria del S. Díaz Verdúguez
Reception for the
Royal Foundation of Toledo Awards/Los Premios de Real Fundacion de Toledo
Toledo, Spain/España
March/Marzo 2006
Toledo, Spain/España
March/Marzo 2006
Russell Brown and Hans Ersepke
Toledo, Spain/España
March/Marzo 2006
Fernando Cirujano and Russell Brown
Toledo, Spain/España
March/Marzo 2006
Although, we came to Spain to attend the awards ceremony for the Royal Foundation of Toledo (Real Fundacion de Toledo) we decided that we could work for a fews days as well. Our good friend, Raquel, agreed to help us with some translations of our video clips.
Raquel lives in Madrid, Spain and she has a degree in Philology.