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We have been working a lot on the film in preparation for heading back to Spain in June. The exact date is still a little up in the air. There is a choir from here going over to Toledo, Spain on the 19th of June. We definitely want to be there to film them. We are also going to start shooting here in our Toledo during May. I personally can not wait to start shooting again. We have spent so much time working on other things for the film that it will be great to get behind the camera again. We'll try to update this blog a little more frequently. I think that there will be more to tell coming very soon.
We have been working a lot on the film in preparation for heading back to Spain in June. The exact date is still a little up in the air. There is a choir from here going over to Toledo, Spain on the 19th of June. We definitely want to be there to film them. We are also going to start shooting here in our Toledo during May. I personally can not wait to start shooting again. We have spent so much time working on other things for the film that it will be great to get behind the camera again. We'll try to update this blog a little more frequently. I think that there will be more to tell coming very soon.
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